Chandrama Lynne Anderson, MFT, is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (MFC#45204) in private practice in Palo Alto, CA, and a California Board of Behavioral Sciences Approved CE Provider (PCE4294). Chandrama specializes in couples counseling and marriage counseling: working with couples to cultivate love.
Chandrama is the author of Connect2 Personality Mapping: A Breakthrough Psychotherapy Tool for Understanding Your Clients, Their Families, and Their Relationships (2012), No U-Turn at Mercy Street: A Memoir and Resource Guide for Grieving Parents (2010). She is co-author of Building an eCommerce Website (1998), a Stanford Professional Education Workshop, and technical editor of Webmastering for Dummies (1997).
Chandrama's previous and upcoming clinical speaking and teaching engagements include:
- The Compassionate Friends National Conference, Thriving as a Couple After Your Child Dies, July 2012
- The Compassionate Friends National Conference, Thriving as a Couple After Your Child Dies, July 2011
- Couple's therapy training, Institute of Transpersonal Psychotherapy, March, 2011
- MISS Foundation, Thriving as a Couple After Your Child Dies, September, 2010
- Creativity and Madness, American Institute of Medical Education, Methodology for the Mapping of Personality, August 2010
- Women in Science, SLAC, Personality Mapping, May 2009
- Alto BNI, Personality Mapping, May 2009
- East West Bookstore, Personality Mapping , October 2008
- Palo Alto Family YMCA, Personality Mapping, October 2008
- Pathways Hospice, Personality Mapping, October 2008
- Therapist Inservice: Personality Mapping, Summer 2008
- Silicon Valley Association for Couples in Marriage Enrichment, Personality Mapping Workshop, Summer 2008
- Palo Alto Family YMCA, Grief and the Healing Journey, June 2008
- Learning PartnersTM Couples Workshop with Kathryn Ford, M.D., Personality Mapping, May 2008
- Family Services of San Mateo, Inservice: Couples Counseling, Jan. 2008
- Family Services of San Mateo, Inservice: Grief, Healing, and the Holidays, 2007
- Kara Conference: Integrative Therapies in Grief Counseling, Nov. 2007
- Pete Pearson's Couples with Special Needs Children workshop, Therapist, 2007
In her previous career in high technology, Chandrama served in executive and management positions at Stanford University and in Silicon Valley. She is co-author of the Stanford Professional Education workbook "Building an eCommerce Website," and was an instructor/speaker for conferences including Women in Technology, Seybold Seminars, Stanford's "Publishing on the Web" and "The Stanford Conference on eCommerce." Chandrama earned her M.A. in Counseling Psychology, Holistic Studies from John F. Kennedy University in 2005. Chandrama continually advances her training -- in couples counseling from the world renowned couples experts and trainers Dr. John Gottman (The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work), Dr. Julie Gottman, Dr. Sue Johnson (Emotionally Focused Therapy or EFT), Dr. Harville Hendrix (Imago), and others -- as well as ongoing reading and study particularly in the areas of brain development, communication, and the science of psychotherapy.
If you're interested in Chandrama's high-tech speaking and teaching bio and related articles, please read on.