Connect2 Marriage Counseling
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Books, articles, videos, authorAuthor Chandrama Anderson

Here’s where you’ll find links to books, articles and videos by Chandrama.

Chandrama knew at age 12 that she would be a writer; she just did not know what she would write about.Books, articles, author

Now she knows: CouplesNet, a column for Embarcadero Media, which is read online by 5,000-10,000 readers weekly throughout the San Francisco Bay Area and Silicon Valley, relationship articles for several dating and relationship sites, a book for grieving parents, and a book on Personality Mapping, a process  only for highly emotionally-intelligent couples who want explore the inner workings of their marriage.

See the dropdown menu for articles and videos.


Here are books written by Chandrama that are available at Amazon

No U-Turn at Mercy Street : A Memoir and Resource Guide for Grieving Parents

Connect2 Personality Mapping: A Breakthrough Psychotherapy Process Tool for Understanding Your Clients, Their Families and Their Relationships

A Hard Road: A Story of Cancer Survival for Patients and Caregivers