Connect2 Marriage Counseling

Can This Marriage Be Saved? A Connect2 Couple


From the article:

“the backgroundCan This Marriage Be Saved?
Audrey and Josh’s lives were shattered when their 2-year-old daughter died suddenly. Their different ways of coping
threaten to destroy their marriage.

I’d always wanted to
adopt a child, and the huge number
of abandoned girls in China really
moved me. We’ve been blessed with a
biological son, so Josh and I thought
it would be wonderful to give him a
sister. We traveled to China to pick
up Grace when she was 9 months old.
The connection was immediate. She
wanted to be with us all the time
and really loved her big brother.

Things were great until just
after Grace’s first birthday when she
got sick and had a febrile seizure. We
rushed her to the ER and, much to our
relief, the doctors told us this type of
seizure was not uncommon in children
under 5 and that some young kids have
multiple seizures over the course of
a few years. A few months later the
seizures returned, but they were much
more intense, which really scared
us. The doctors had to put Grace in a
medically induced coma . . .”*

Read the rest of the article.

Jon Small interviewed Chandrama Anderson and her clients, “Audrey and Josh” to write the last of the print edition of 130 years of the Ladies Home Journal subscriber column, *”Can This Marriage Be Saved?” for the July/August, 2014 issue (pp. 42-48).

It has been my honor to walk this journey with Audrey and Josh. My thanks for sharing your story to help other grieving couples.


Photo by Penywise