Connect2 Marriage Counseling

Category: Book and Resource List

  • Stay Together or End the Relationship? Independence or Interdependence?

    Remember, it’s your decision. Not your therapist’s, your friends’, or your family. There are so many factors to consider. Maybe the bottom line is . . . Stay if: -You can make it a safe and healthy environment for you and your kids. -Once, there was a secure attachment, i.e., connection between you and your…

  • “Who we are . . . depends in part . . . on who we love.”

    One of my favorite books is “A General Theory of Love.” Lewis, Amini and Lannon write poetically about love research, and they talk about limbic resonance, limbic regulation and limbic revision. The limbic part of the brain is the emotional brain. The gist of it is this: when in proximity to one another we exchange…

  • Differentiating Grief from Clinical Depression

    The following information is from my book, No U-Turn at Mercy Street: A Memoir and Resource Guide for Grieving Parents. This is applicable regardless of the type of loss you have been through; a death, a divorce, a job loss, etc.   When symptoms of grieving persist as defined by abnormal behavior that threatens your mental…

  • Premarital and Couples: Permanent Record

    We had dinner with our friends recently and learned that their son kept a “Permanent Record” of things his parents had done wrong during his childhood (e.g., they never had a dog). While it was funny, and piece of their family fabric and storytelling, the sad truth is that many of you keep a Permanent…

  • “The Art of Racing in the Rain” by Garth Stein

    I recently read The Art of Racing in the Rain for the second time, and liked it just as much as I did the first time. It is a bitter-sweet story that is very well written. If you can’t relate to cars or driving at all, it may not be the book for you —…

  • Premarital and Couples: “Our Deepest Fear” by Marianne Williamson

    What is your deepest fear? As you read the quote below, please be thinking about yourself, your partner, and your relationship. What does this mean to you? What does it remind you of? How does it apply? How do you hold back? Come forward? Be authentic? “Our Deepest Fear Our deepest fear is not that we…