Connect2 Marriage Counseling

Category: Couples Counseling

  • Premarital and Couples: Trump Paid $750 in Taxes

    At our house, we believe that black lives matter. We believe it’s time to end racism and sexism. We believe that all people matter and it’s time to end hate. What happens if you are a couple divided about politics? What happens if you read in the NY Times that Trump paid $750 in taxes…

  • Top 6 Reasons to do Online (Video) or Phone Therapy

    Top 6 Reasons to do Online Therapy 1. Concerns about Coronavirus or other health reasons; have your sessions as a couple or individual from your home or office. 2. Responsibilities at home that make it difficult to travel to an appointment. 3. Embarrassment about seeking help or anxiety about face-to-face appointments. 4. Traffic, or you’re…

  • Premarital: Women Over 50 Do Get Married

    Wedding Bells After Fifty by Autumn Marie is a read I recommend. There’s a myth that women over 50 won’t get married, and this book is out to dispel that. Ten stories plus the author’s are presented. The women are from all walks of life, many ethnicities and backgrounds. The overwhelming theme of the book…

  • Couple Time and Work Time

    Couple Time and Work Time I hear couples say they are too busy to spend time together. They work too much. I see long, long work hours in every couple who comes in. And it takes a toll. Couples lose connection, communication, and soon after that, their sex life drops off. Seems people are worried…

  • Engagement Rings: Myths and Options

    Congratulations on your engagement. (To be well set up for a life of marital happiness, and to learn how to deal as a couple with the curveballs life will inevitably throw your way, seek premarital counseling. This link is a list of things to talk about before you get married. You want to know how each…

  • What’s Your Attachment Style and Why Does it Matter to Your Relationship?

    Attachment Let’s start with explaining attachment, which is developed in early childhood, with your primary caregiver. Depending on the type of care you received (consistent, loving & dependable; unreliable in when it would be loving and supportive; or often ignored), this leads to one of three types of attachment: Secure (anchor), anxious (wave), and avoidant…

  • Wasband: How to Retain Your Marriage

    Wasband: How to Retain Your Marriage This is my new word for the week. A husband who no longer is married to you is a wasband. Does waswife work as well? Do you want to retain your marriage? In order to avoid having a wasband or waswife, you do actually have to work on your…

  • “Housewife” a Journey of Transgender Marriage

    “Housewife” a Journey of Transgender Marriage Kristin Collier’s new book, Housewife: Home Remaking in a Transgender Marriage is a must read for any couple going through this transition. When Kristin’s husband, Fred, announced just after their second child was born in 2005, after ten years of a good, close, communicative marriage, that he is a…

  • Honesty, Humility and Morality: On the Same Page?

    Honesty, Humility and Morality: On the Same Page? I recently read a very interesting article in Scientific American Mind called “How to Pick a Great Worker”. Previously, the honesty and humility [the moral] part of personality was not taken into account, and these traits are of course important in a business setting. I think this might…

  • Couples: Mid-Year Relationship Review

    Couples: Mid-Year Relationship Review Many people make New Years resolutions. Many people do not keep them. It’s human nature. I’m advocating that you take time to do a mid-year review of your relationship. Is it what you want? If not what have you done to get it there? What have you done this year to…