Connect2 Marriage Counseling

Category: Couples Counselor

  • “A happy marriage is . . .

    . . . a long conversation which always seems too short.” Andre Maurois I love this quote for a few reasons. First, let’s look at a couple of definitions: “The noun conversation comes from the Old French word of the same spelling, meaning “manner of conducting oneself in the world.” When you have a conversation…

  • Honesty, Humility and Morality: On the Same Page?

    Honesty, Humility and Morality: On the Same Page? I recently read a very interesting article in Scientific American Mind called “How to Pick a Great Worker”. Previously, the honesty and humility [the moral] part of personality was not taken into account, and these traits are of course important in a business setting. I think this might…

  • Couples: Mid-Year Relationship Review

    Couples: Mid-Year Relationship Review Many people make New Years resolutions. Many people do not keep them. It’s human nature. I’m advocating that you take time to do a mid-year review of your relationship. Is it what you want? If not what have you done to get it there? What have you done this year to…

  • What Are You Thankful for About Your Partner?

    What Are You Thankful for About Your Partner? I love Thanksgiving, because it’s about family, friends, and food. It’s a good time to reflect on what we have to be thankful and grateful for. I am thankful for you, my readers. I hope what I write helps you a bit in your relationship. I am…

  • For Couples: All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten

    Couples would do well by each other by following these principles from Robert Fulghum’s book, All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten. 1. Share everything. Emotions, physically, intimacy, mentally, spiritually, thoughts, dreams, and things. 2. Play fair. Treat each other with justice and fairness. And play. But don’t play games with each…

  • Guessing “This is Never Gonna Go our Way . . .

    Guessing “This is Never Gonna Go our Way . . . This is never gonna go our way if I am gonna have to guess what’s on your mind.” I Believe, Mumford & Sons. You can’t have your partner guessing what’s going on with you if you want a healthy relationship. Because I usually see…

  • Say Yes or No?

    Say Yes or No? I often hear from clients that your partner doesn’t want to do things with you that they’re not interested in. You get to say yes or no. How does that work with the idea of being in each other’s care, and doing the best thing for the relationship? My husband is…

  • Marriage Interview 14: They Almost Didn’t Meet

    Marriage Interview 14: They Almost Didn’t Meet November 22, 1963. President John F. Kennedy was shot and killed. The nation was in shock. People were crying. Neither Robert nor Deborah knew this date would lead to their marriage. Set up by friends of theirs, Robert and Deborah were to go on a double blind date…

  • Pornography

    Pornography I realized that with all the topics I have written about, I have not written about pornography. In the realm of modeling behavior I believe in (in this case being explicit in communication), I will say that I have heard so many stories with poor endings that involve pornography. If you have an explicit…

  • Holding Hands — Why Not?

    Holding Hands — Why Not? I went to see The St. John’s Choir of Cambridge (England) perform at Stanford Memorial Church. My husband and I sat in the balcony over the north transept, holding hands. This location provided a good spot for people watching in much of the church, as well as seeing most of…