Category: Uncategorized
Couple’s Net
I am very pleased to announce that the Connect2® Marriage Counseling Blog is now being published as “Couple’s Net” on Palo Alto Weekly’s Palo Alto Online, The Menlo Park Almanac, and the Mountain View Voice. You’ll be able to post comments, ask questions, and participate in discussions on any of those venues. I would love…
Are We the Only Couple Having Problems?
No, you are not. Despite how other couples look to you, you are definitely not the only one having problems. In the same way that you don’t want anyone to know your relationship is in trouble, other couples are doing the same. A few years ago I helped present a two-Saturday couples workshop with Kathryn…
Get Real
“Be grateful for every scar life inflicts on you. Where we’re unhurt is where we are false. Where we’re ==I wounded and healed== [my italics] is where our real self gets to show itself. That’s where you get to show who you are,” wrote Sara Gran, in her New Orleans mystery ==I Claire DeWitt and…
“I Don’t Want to Say This to My Partner . . .”
I hear this phrase from clients on a regular basis. You don’t want to say the hard things out loud. There are a number of reasons for this: I can’t not know it myself once I say it to him/her. I am afraid of hurting him/her. I feel like a bad person for feeling/thinking this. I’m…
In Honor of Ralph
It was my privilege to present at The Compassionate Friends National Conference: “Thriving as a Couple After Your Child Dies.” I’ll share with you a bit about the session I had with bereaved parents. Thank you to the couple S. and D. (to preserve their confidentiality) who bravely volunteered as the couple to practice the…
“You Gotta Have Balls [to do counseling] . . .
. . . It’s really scary, taking a look at yourself.” A man said this to me yesterday while asking for my help. It is scary, it does take balls (or the female equivalent), it is hard work, it is exhausting, it does mean facing the parts of yourself that you wish would just go…
“Real Sex for Real Women” by Dr. Laura Berman
I recommend “Real Sex for Real Women” as it is a straightforward, educational, detailed book about sex — and emotional connection. Dr. Berman’s book provides a clear and simple pathway to intimacy and passion for women. She discusses typical problems women encounter and gives solid suggestions for them. My only concern about this book is that while…
“Better” Dads and “Re-invigorated” Moms: Happier Couples
I read an article by Rachel Zucker on the NY Times website: “Honey, Let’s Get a Little Divorced.” One thing that caught my attention was Rachel’s wondering why she hears of post-divorce Dads becoming better Dads, and post-divorce Moms returning to set-aside dreams and “finding themselves.” Dad takes charge of parenting more (without Mom’s interventions or criticisms),…