Connect2 Marriage Counseling

Tag: work

  • Silicon Valley Burnout?

    Do you see yourself here? It may not go in linear order. If you don’t recognize yourself on this chart, does your partner identify you on it? Your co-workers? Keep your cool if they do! I’m pretty sure you hide it, possibly even from yourself. I encourage you to actually look for it, and take…

  • Couple Time and Work Time

    Couple Time and Work Time I hear couples say they are too busy to spend time together. They work too much. I see long, long work hours in every couple who comes in. And it takes a toll. Couples lose connection, communication, and soon after that, their sex life drops off. Seems people are worried…

  • Highly Educated Women Moving to Silicon Valley/Bay Area

    Highly Educated Women Moving to Silicon Valley/Bay Area It seems there’s a continuing influx of people from around the country and the world to this area. Many families move to Silicon Valley and the Bay Area for a job that’s been secured by the husband or wife, (more often the husband, based on the phone…

  • Marriage Interview 7: He Works 24 Hours a Day

    Marriage Interview 7: He Works 24 Hours a Day Lui and Leon met at work in 2004 and began dating a month later. They married three months after that, and have been married for 10 years. Lonely Lui says that Leon works 24 hours a day, and she is lonely. I’m not sure how many…

  • Couple’s Strife: 3 Tools for a Happier Relationship

    What Is the Biggest Cause of Strife in a Relationship? This is the question that both men and women have been asking me recently. The topic is big enough to warrant a book, yet I will tackle it in short form. My hope is that this will give you several things to think about as…