Isn’t is hard to just say “Yes” or “No”? Just notice, over the next week or so, how you answer questions that could simply have Yes or No as an answer. Notice when you do say Yes or No, and what situation is going on in which you go into a long explanation for Yes or No.
There are plenty of reason why you offer the long form of Yes or No. It may be that you were raised to be polite. It may be that you were raised in a way that has led you to be conflict avoidant. It may be that you are hedging your bets and want to see which way the wind is blowing. It may be that you are deciding as you talk it through. It may be that your partner doesn’t like to hear No.
You might know the reasons you have for not just saying Yes or No. You also might not know off the top of your head. It’s worth thinking about.
If you’re willing, after you notice your own patterns for a while, it could be a good experiment to practice saying Yes [period] or No [period], or Maybe [period]. Again, just notice how you feel, what happens in your body, how others react or respond to you.
It’s okay to let one or two people know you are trying this experiment (that’s being transparent).
Just to be clear, I’m not saying there is anything wrong with the long form of Yes or No. I’m just curious about it.