Connect2 Marriage Counseling

Category: Couple Therapy

  • Signs and Symptoms of Parallel Living

    Signs and Symptoms of Parallel Living As I wrote recently in my best tip for marriage – which is to take care of it, I’ve been thinking of the signs and symptoms of parallel living that I see and hear about. Parallel living overall is the opposite of living as an intimate married couple. If…

  • Sleep Differentials Between Spouses

    Sleep Differentials Between Spouses A recent New York Times article: The Lark-Owl Scale: When Couples’ Sleep Patterns Diverge, talks about each person’s innate sleep pattern, called a “sleep chronotype, an internal timing profile” and that trying to alter it to spend more time with your partner may cause difficulties in daily living. The article goes…

  • Five Years Post-Cancer

    Five Years Post-Cancer As I approach the one-and a half year anniversary of my mother-in-law’s death from cancer, I also got great news about my husband. He is five years post-cancer and has a clean bill of health. He went yesterday for the last throat scope (no, you don’t want the details). He had tonsil…

  • My Best Tip Continued

    Here’s my best tip continued from the last post: When you get a great job, you do everything you can to be successful and work your way to promotions and raises. When you find a great partner, please do everything you can to be successful and make your way to deeper intimacy, caring, connection, love,…

  • My Best Tip for Your Marriage

    My Best Tip for Your Marriage My best tip for your marriage is: Take care of your relationship. I realize that sounds simplistic, but it’s not. Love is created by many small acts, and grows. Deal with it While it’s Small Many of the couples we see at Connect2 Marriage Counseling didn’t address issues or…

  • Choose Your Beloved Daily

    Choose Your Beloved Daily A colleague sent me an article about a man who chose his partner less and less each day for five years. They were both miserable in their “immature love.” As I’ve written in many of my columns, you need to choose your partner every day. And when you find yourself choosing…

  • First Holidays after the Death of a Loved One

    First Holidays after the Death of a Loved One      I’m not going to tell you that the first holidays after the death of a loved one are going to be easy, or offer platitudes. The first holidays after the death of a loved one can be very difficult.      You miss him or her,…

  • Highly Educated Women Moving to Silicon Valley/Bay Area

    Highly Educated Women Moving to Silicon Valley/Bay Area It seems there’s a continuing influx of people from around the country and the world to this area. Many families move to Silicon Valley and the Bay Area for a job that’s been secured by the husband or wife, (more often the husband, based on the phone…

  • Communal Sexual Strength and Motivation

    Communal Sexual Strength and Motivation In the October issue of Psychology Today I finally found a name for something I’ve been talking to clients about for many years: it’s called communal motivation, or communal strength*. If it’s important to you, it’s important to me. No Score Keeping You give to each other willingly and you…

  • Joe, Joan, and Helen: Crossdressing

    Joe, Joan, and Helen: Crossdressing “Joan is my feminine side,” Joe told me. Joe has been dressing in women’s clothes since he was a young boy. Joe and Helen have been married for 25 years. They met at a dance and dinner party, hit it off, and have been a couple ever since. Joe is…