Connect2 Marriage Counseling

Category: Pre-marital Counseling

  • “A happy marriage is . . .

    . . . a long conversation which always seems too short.” Andre Maurois I love this quote for a few reasons. First, let’s look at a couple of definitions: “The noun conversation comes from the Old French word of the same spelling, meaning “manner of conducting oneself in the world.” When you have a conversation…

  • Marriage Interview 6: Blind to Clutter

    Marriage Interview 6: Blind to Clutter Mandy and Sam met in college in 1988 and began dating a year later. They waited 15 years before getting married, and now have been married for 13 years. Clutter One of their biggest problems is that Sam is “clutter-blind.” I know a lot of you have the same…

  • Follow-up to a Love Script

    Follow-up to a Love Script Earlier I posted A Love Script, A Dyadic Encounter: Arthur Aron’s 36 questions to answer with another person in order to fall in love. On my February vacation, I asked my husband if he would be willing to go through the questions with me, both to write about here, and…

  • Dual Full-time+ Workers, Kids

    Dual Full-time+ Workers, Kids When you both work long hours, travel, are under pressure, do email at night, care for kids, is it any wonder that you are exhausted and don’t know how to find balance, let alone find a moment to breathe? I see so many couples in this circumstance. They are unhappy, and…

  • Premarital Conversations

    Premarital Conversations You’re in love, wearing rose-colored glasses, ready to marry, busy with wedding planning. It’s an exciting time. Relish being engaged, it’s a special phase that you won’t have again. I’ve noticed from my work with premarital couples that there may be topics that you haven’t discussed yet, and it’s a good idea to…

  • Marriage Interview 3: Being Vulnerable Can be Very Scary

    Marriage Interview 3: Being Vulnerable Can be Very Scary “It’s kind of funny that we can easily touch each others’ body parts, but letting someone into your heart and mind is somehow much more intimate.” How They Met and Married Sandra met her husband to be when she was at work, performing, and Paul was…

  • 7 Do’s and Don’ts For Staying Connected as a Couple During Grief

    7 Do’s and Don’ts For Staying Connected as a Couple During Grief My heart goes out to the families and friends of the young people who have died in our community lately. It is shocking and saddening beyond words. Give Comfort; Don’t Fix I specialize in working with couples that have lost a child. This…

  • Gifts (that are not bought)

    Gifts of One’s Essence My husband and I went away after mom’s memorial service, to heal, regroup, and grieve, and to celebrate life. We went to the Big Island of Hawaii, and all of our hosts gave us the gifts that express who they are in their essence. Presence, Fruit, Coffee Our first hosts in…

  • Marriage Interview 1: Keep a Sense of Humor

    Marriage Interview 1: Keep a Sense of Humor I am working on a series of marriage interviews to share with you. They are anonymous so that these generous people will share a bit of their personal lives with us. If you’d like to be interviewed, email me (, and I’ll be in touch. Here’s the…

  • Mom Died

    Mom Died This was the first thing in my consciousness when I woke up this morning. Mom died. Overnight, this truth gets erased, and then comes back first thing each morning. She died Friday evening. Her partner was in the next room and my brothers-in-law had gone to get take out when she expired –…