Connect2 Marriage Counseling

Category: Uncategorized

  • The Call for Couples or Marriage Counseling? Communication

    The Call for Couples or Marriage Counseling? Communication Communication is the most frequent topic of calls for couples or marriage counseling. My husband/wife doesn’t: – Listen – Understand – Make me a priority – Cherish me – Love me how I want it – Have my back – Want to spend time with me –…

  • Migraine World Summit: FREE & ONLINE APRIL 18–26, 2018

    Migraine is an under-diagnosed, under-treated and underfunded neurological disease experienced by one billion worldwide. Migraine is an under-diagnosed, under-treated and underfunded neurological disease experienced by one billion worldwide. The Migraine World Summit is the world’s largest global patient summit to give everyone the opportunity to learn from the world’s top experts. World Leading Experts At the…

  • Couples: Family Planning: Don’t F%@K Up

    Couples: Family Planning: Don’t F%@K Up Couples: family planning: don’t F%@K Up! I believe that family planning needs to be an open and ongoing topic for couples — even if you just started dating. People’s wants and needs change, so be sure you talk about it periodically and explicitly.  Why is it so Important to Discuss…

  • Marriage Interview 16: Ex-Wife and Widow Issues

    Kristi and Mark met on an airplane 15 years ago. They’ve been married for 11 years. Kristi’s first husband died young from cancer. It had been five years since his death, and Kristi’s family and friends were encouraging her to explore the possibility of another relationship. Mark was separated and in the process of divorce…

  • Our Cat Died

    Our beloved cat, Little, died. He was 14. While I try to remember all the sweet and loving times with him purring in my lap – and I do part of the time – I remember the last day when I found him and he was nearly dead already. I was shaking so badly I…

  • My Son Turned 20 – He Worries About Our World

    My Son Turned 20 My son turned 20. I’m so proud of him. He’s thoughtful and kind, and has a great group of longtime friends that he listens to and supports. He treats his girlfriend and her family well. He’s in college and going to culinary school. As a parent, these are all reasons to…

  • Infertility and Miscarriage Couples Counseling

    Infertility and Miscarriage Some couples have a tremendously hard time having children. And after many tries and losses, certain couples can benefit from infertility and miscarriage couples counseling. It seems that some women can get pregnant so easily (maybe even when they didn’t want to be), and sail through the months, and have a nice,…

  • When Under Stress, Do you Fight, Flight, or Freeze?

    When Under Stress, Do you Fight, Flight, or Freeze? While we are human beings capable of thinking, many of our  stress reactions do not come from our thinking, or cortical, brain. They come from our limbic, or emotional, brain. Why We Exist We still exist as a species because of this ability to react. Threat…

  • Been Hacked? “Married People Seeking Affairs” Website Has Been

    Married People Seeking Affairs In a story revealed by Wired, hackers accessed the files of about 32 million users of the site According to Ashley Madison, their website “is the most famous name in infidelity and married dating, with the tagline “Life is short, have an affair.” Wired reports that, “The files appear to…

  • He Doesn’t Want to Talk. She Doesn’t Want to Have Sex.

    He Doesn’t Want to Talk. She Doesn’t Want to Have Sex. . . .       Palo Alto, Menlo Park, Woodside, Portola Valley, Los Altos, Sunnyvale, Mountain View, Belmont, San Mateo, San Carlos, San Jose, Santa Clara, Campbell San Ramon, Danville, Pleasanton, Alamo, Livermore, Castro Valley, Sunol, Dublin , Walnut Creek, Pleasant Hill, Orinda, Hayward, Oakland,…