Connect2 Marriage Counseling

Don’t Wait Till Your Child is 42 to Say “I’m Proud of You.”

I was looking through old journals just now. Some of it was painful to remember, some was joyful. One item I came across was a card from my mother congratulating me on graduating college in preparation to go to grad school to become a therapist. (I left college and eventually went to work in high-tech, which I did for 15 years before I went back to school. A person could work her way up without a college degree back in the day.)

The cards says “Congratulations” on the front, and inside she wrote: “I am incredibly proud of you! I know how much effort is required to go back [to school] after so long! You are doing GOOD! Much love, M”

I was 42. It was the first time in my life my mother told me she was proud of me . . .

I hope you are telling your kids, your partner, and those you love and care about that you’re proud of them. I hope you’re saying I love you, and saying in detail why you think s/he’s an amazing person.

My husband is retiring on Friday. I am so excited to spend a lot of time with him. He says, “I’ll carry your books” meaning supporting my writing, publishing, and promotional efforts. He believes in me, in my book series, I Do, I Don’t: How to Build a Better Marriage. He’s going to come along with me when I promote my book(s). He tells me he’s proud of me; again today, in fact.

It’s not hard to be kind. It’s not hard to pay attention. It’s not hard to say I love you, or I’m proud of you. You have to choose to do so.

It takes 66 days to create a habit. By August first, you’ll be on a roll!



