Connect2 Marriage Counseling

Tag: Fear

  • Couples and Premarital: Shelter, Harbor . . .

    . . . cover, defend, guard, protect, screen, shield, ward . . These are synonyms for shelter. But what if you feel stuck in the house with your partner and your unresolved issues? Sheltering These are indeed strange times. We have been ordered to Shelter in Place. This can be an opportunity for your relationship.…

  • Supporting your Beloved Partner in Corona Virus Times

    It’s possible you each have different thoughts and feelings about the Corona virus and the safety of your family and each other. Maybe you’re on the same page about it. Here’s how to support your beloved. What’s most important is to talk about it with an open mind and curiosity. This allows room for thoughts,…

  • What’s Your Attachment Style and Why Does it Matter to Your Relationship?

    Attachment Let’s start with explaining attachment, which is developed in early childhood, with your primary caregiver. Depending on the type of care you received (consistent, loving & dependable; unreliable in when it would be loving and supportive; or often ignored), this leads to one of three types of attachment: Secure (anchor), anxious (wave), and avoidant…

  • “Housewife” a Journey of Transgender Marriage

    “Housewife” a Journey of Transgender Marriage Kristin Collier’s new book, Housewife: Home Remaking in a Transgender Marriage is a must read for any couple going through this transition. When Kristin’s husband, Fred, announced just after their second child was born in 2005, after ten years of a good, close, communicative marriage, that he is a…

  • Wasband: How to Retain Your Marriage

    This is my new word for the week. A husband who no longer is married to you is a wasband. Does waswife work as well? What’s happening with your marriage? In order to avoid having a wasband or waswife, you do actually have to work on your marriage, spend time together and negotiate issues. A…

  • “Housewife” a Journey of Transgender Marriage

    Kristin Collier’s book, Housewife: Home Remaking in a Transgender Marriage is a must read for any couple going through this transition. When Kristin’s husband, Fred, announced just after their second child was born in 2005, after ten years of a good, close, communicative marriage, that he is a woman, Kristin’s life was turned upside down. As…

  • Infertility and Miscarriage Couples Counseling

    Infertility and Miscarriage Some couples have a tremendously hard time having children. And after many tries and losses, certain couples can benefit from infertility and miscarriage couples counseling. It seems that some women can get pregnant so easily (maybe even when they didn’t want to be), and sail through the months, and have a nice,…

  • “We are Spiritually Unemployed” — What Will You Do About It?

    “We are Spiritually Unemployed” When thinking about the concept of “we are spiritually unemployed”, I’m talking about the definition from the Oxford Dictionary: “of, relating to, or affecting the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things.” Another definition of spirit is related to religion, and I’m not talking about that in…

  • Guessing “This is Never Gonna Go our Way . . .

    Guessing “This is Never Gonna Go our Way . . . This is never gonna go our way if I am gonna have to guess what’s on your mind.” I Believe, Mumford & Sons. You can’t have your partner guessing what’s going on with you if you want a healthy relationship. Because I usually see…

  • One Type of Difficulty in Marriage

    One Type of Difficulty in Marriage I read the following description of a troubled marriage in Barefoot to Avalon, by David Payne. The book is an intimate look into family systems, pain, joy, dysfunction under the surface (think iceberg), and ultimately about love. There are many ways a marriage can be troubled, and this is…