Connect2 Marriage Counseling

Tag: parents

  • Supporting your Beloved Partner in Corona Virus Times

    It’s possible you each have different thoughts and feelings about the Corona virus and the safety of your family and each other. Maybe you’re on the same page about it. Here’s how to support your beloved. What’s most important is to talk about it with an open mind and curiosity. This allows room for thoughts,…

  • What’s Your Attachment Style and Why Does it Matter to Your Relationship?

    Attachment Let’s start with explaining attachment, which is developed in early childhood, with your primary caregiver. Depending on the type of care you received (consistent, loving & dependable; unreliable in when it would be loving and supportive; or often ignored), this leads to one of three types of attachment: Secure (anchor), anxious (wave), and avoidant…

  • Couples: Mid-Year Relationship Review

    Couples: Mid-Year Relationship Review Many people make New Years resolutions. Many people do not keep them. It’s human nature. I’m advocating that you take time to do a mid-year review of your relationship. Is it what you want? If not what have you done to get it there? What have you done this year to…

  • Wasband: How to Retain Your Marriage

    This is my new word for the week. A husband who no longer is married to you is a wasband. Does waswife work as well? What’s happening with your marriage? In order to avoid having a wasband or waswife, you do actually have to work on your marriage, spend time together and negotiate issues. A…

  • Couples: Family Planning: Don’t F%@K Up

    Couples: Family Planning: Don’t F%@K Up Couples: family planning: don’t F%@K Up! I believe that family planning needs to be an open and ongoing topic for couples — even if you just started dating. People’s wants and needs change, so be sure you talk about it periodically and explicitly.  Why is it so Important to Discuss…

  • My Son Turned 20 – He Worries About Our World

    My Son Turned 20 My son turned 20. I’m so proud of him. He’s thoughtful and kind, and has a great group of longtime friends that he listens to and supports. He treats his girlfriend and her family well. He’s in college and going to culinary school. As a parent, these are all reasons to…

  • Dear Mom, I’m at Camp Kesem

    Dear Mom, I’m at Camp Kesem Dear Mom, I miss you so much. I’m at Camp Kesem, a place for kids and teens who have a parent with cancer. Mostly they have activities like any other sleep over camp, make friends, and climb on the counselors. But tonight they have Roots, where they share their…

  • Infertility and Miscarriage Couples Counseling

    Infertility and Miscarriage Some couples have a tremendously hard time having children. And after many tries and losses, certain couples can benefit from infertility and miscarriage couples counseling. It seems that some women can get pregnant so easily (maybe even when they didn’t want to be), and sail through the months, and have a nice,…

  • One Type of Difficulty in Marriage

    One Type of Difficulty in Marriage I read the following description of a troubled marriage in Barefoot to Avalon, by David Payne. The book is an intimate look into family systems, pain, joy, dysfunction under the surface (think iceberg), and ultimately about love. There are many ways a marriage can be troubled, and this is…

  • Afraid of Hurting My Partner’s Feelings

    Afraid of Hurting Your Partner’s Feelings Do you avoid talking about certain topics because you are afraid of hurting your partner’s feelings? Many couples do. The proverbial pile under the rug gets so big that it’s a circuitous route around it. Unfortunately there are consequences well beyond hurt feelings when you leave things unaddressed in…