Connect2 Marriage Counseling

Tag: time

  • Marriage Interview 3: Being Vulnerable Can be Very Scary

    Marriage Interview 3: Being Vulnerable Can be Very Scary “It’s kind of funny that we can easily touch each others’ body parts, but letting someone into your heart and mind is somehow much more intimate.” How They Met and Married Sandra met her husband to be when she was at work, performing, and Paul was…

  • A Love Script? A Dyadic Encounter

    Mandy Len Catron wrote a column recently for the NY Times called To Fall in Love with Anyone, Do This. 36 Questions The article is based on work done by Arthur Aron 20 years ago in which Aron created an experiment to see if he could script a set of ever deepening, and ever more…

  • It’s Easier to Love Someone When You Make Them Happy

    “It’s Easier to Love Someone When You Make Them Happy.” I saw this quote in a book I’m reading, and it struck a chord in me. It made me think of all of you. It is easier to love someone when you can see, hear, and feel that you are making them happy. Let me…

  • Trying New Behaviors: Fear and Excitement

    Trying new behaviors: Fear and excitement are on the same spectrum. Consider, in an evolutionary context, of hunters making the approach: fear and excitement. Think of current times, for example, preparing for a big presentation that may help you in your career, or trying to figure out what to say to your spouse about an…

  • Giants Won! Couples Can, Too

    Giants Won! Just think: The Giants were the NL wild card team. They had one chance to advance in the playoffs.  And the Giants won! They worked hard, they practiced, they used all of their skills, tools, coaching, and heart. I hope they had fun. It sure looked that way at times. Couples Can Win,…

  • Personal Weather Report (TM)

    Your partner can not read your mind, and my husband can not read mine, either. You actually have to say what’s on your mind. One homework exercise I like to give is to have couples give each other a Personal Weather Report (TM) once or twice a day. This is also helpful in finding specific…

  • Premarital and Couples: Trust Walk

    A trust walk is a process between two people in which one person has his or her eyes closed (or blind-folded), and the other leads them on a walk. The eyes-open person has to be explicit in his/her verbals instructions to avoid any and all obstacles, e.g.”There’s a tree root sticking up a few inches…