Connect2 Marriage Counseling

You Married Me Again

Photo by BryanHanson @MorgueFile

About 16 months after we got married, my husband shared the following with me: He realized that for the first time in his life, he is holding nothing back, is giving over control (which is probably an illusion anyway). The risk is complete, and he’s vulnerable. I certainly feel that way about him, too. I said, “I feel like you married me again tonight.”

What do you do for one another that feels like you got married again?

What was in your mind when you pictured your life together (before the curve balls were pitched your way)? What were your dreams? Goals? Hopes?

Write a list. Look at your vows.

You can recommit to your vows, dreams and goals. You can say, “Well, a lot has happened, some amazing, some awful, and ==I everything in between==. You can let go of resentments, anger, and fear. You can do a relationship reset. You have to choose the life you always wanted together. And then do the work that everyone needs to after saying “I do.”

I realize that’s simple, yet not necessarily easy.

But ask yourself: How do I want to spend the next 50 years? Working on creating a better marriage? Or more of the SOS (same old Sh!t)?