I love to do Couple Watching. I was getting in the car recently with the window rolled most of the way up, and I saw a couple passing on the sidewalk. I couldn’t hear any words; only her tone of voice and I watched their body language.
Couples often complain about the “tone” their husband or wife uses in their conversations. This wife was using the tone. He replied, and it was below my hearing level. She said something else in the tone and I saw him throw both hands up from the elbows. By then I drove away.
Do Your Own Couples Watching
Begin to notice the couples you see. What tone do you hear? What facial expressions or body language do you see? Does someone roll their eyes at the other (showing contempt)? Do they face toward or away from one another? Does one dominate the conversation?
You can see this through car windows, cafes or restaurants, or as you walk down the street.
Of course, eventually, I want you to begin to notice your tone and body language with your mate. But be an observer for a while first.
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